Lucy, (whose birthday is December 1st) and will be six years old actually has her lips on her mom's nose. Mom (Lorell) looks relaxed to me, but I am not trying to interpret! Mom is lying down.
Lily (on the left) is finally allowed to sit near Kuni and her new three day old baby girl. Lily is old enough to have her own baby and will soon move to another zoo where she will make a new family of her own.
This picture was used to introduce the new baby to the world by the Jacksonville Florida Zoo and Gardens.
Kuni and her new three day old baby girl sleeping in their enclosure at the Jacksonville Florida Zoo and Gardens. This picture was used in the news to introduce this important bonobo baby to the world.
Your family (incuding any pets) can now be photographed by two professional photographers. (That's Marian Brickner and Jan Henry). We bring a backdrop and lights to your home for the professional look.
Miniature horse family picture. All family members do not ALWAYS follow the "look into the camera" directions! But close. This family lives in Union, Missouri.